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UFC production

Obtaining urea-formaldehyde concentrate (UFC) is carried out by the method of catalytic oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde in a stream of atmospheric oxygen on a highly efficient catalyst in a reactor, followed by absorption of formaldehyde by a solution of urea. The technology of the CPK production process includes the following main stages:

1. The stage of preparation of the alcohol-air mixture, which is carried out in the methanol evaporator.
2. Catalytic conversion of methanol to formaldehyde, which is carried out in a contact apparatus at a given temperature, in a catalyst bed.
3. The stage of absorption of formaldehyde by a solution of carbamide, which is carried out in an absorption column.
After that, the solution of the required concentration is sent to the warehouse, and the absorption gases are sent for disposal.



Систематическое наименование


Формальдегида водокарбамидный раствор




КФК, Форконцентрат


Традиционные названия


карбамидоформальдегидный концентрат


Хим. формула


СН2O * Н20 * (NH2)2CO


Рац . формула




Физические свойства




водокарбамидный раствор


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